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Self Care During COVID-19

Our world is changing rapidly at the moment. Given some of the news coverage, it would be hard not to worry about what it means for yourself, and for those you love.

Worry and anxiety are common problems at best of times, and when it takes over it can become all-encompassing.

Some words that I hear a lot at the moment are:

Anxious, Fearful, Worried, Scared, Afraid, Concerned, Stressed, On Edge, Over thinking, Uncertain, Angry, No Control, and Apprehensive.

When we worry excessively, we often think about worst case scenarios and feel we won’t be able to cope.

It is natural to worry at the moment, but if you feel that it’s becoming excessive and taking over your life, for example if its making you anxious, or you are struggling to sleep, then it might be worth trying to find ways to limit the time you spend worrying, and taking steps to manage your wellbeing.

Speak to yourself with compassion, practice mindfulness and look after your wellbeing by finding balance.

Here are some suggestion of activities to practise:

  • Have a daily routine

  • Exercise, stretch, practice yoga, walk

  • Walk the dog

  • Meditate and or pray

  • Practise gratitude, write down 3 things that you are grateful for today

  • Write in your journal

  • Do some colouring in – there are some great adult colouring books around

  • Read a book

  • Do some gardening

  • Cook a healthy meal, try a new recipe

  • Watch a good movie

  • Listen to good music

  • Play a board game or build a puzzle

  • Do some spring cleaning

  • Have an afternoon nap

  • Connect with one person telephonically who you would not normally call

  • Have deep and meaningful conversations

  • Call your extended family each day, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect

  • Watch a TED talk or something motivational on You Tube

  • Limit TV viewing to a maximum number of hours in a day

  • Be silly, find your sense of humour and laugh every day

When you notice you are feeling anxious in your body try some breathing exercises:

  • Find a quiet comfortable place to stand, sit, or lay down.

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose, and count to 4 while inhaling.

  • Place your hand on your abdomen and feel your stomach blow up like a balloon while inhaling.

  • Exhale through your mouth for 4 counts.

  • Your hand should rise on the inhale and lower on the exhale.

  • You may want to try this several times a day for a few minutes.

  • Remember stay calm and maintain a healthy perspective.

  • Practise your social distancing and washing your hands so that we don’t spread the virus.

We will get through this crisis! HAVE A ROUTINE EVERY DAY


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